Acupuncture for Boosting the Immune System
Happy Fall Y’all! As the season changes it is important to protect our immune systems. This newsletter gives critical information on what Asheville Integrative Acupuncture is doing to keep the clinic safe and how acupuncture is proven to boost the immune system. Exciting information on new team members, yoga classes, and local resources are waiting just inside this newsletter… it is only one click away!
Hello my loves, I wanted to share with you my fall newsletter for 2021. As we enter into the season of cooler weather and changing leaves we are also entering into flu season. Additionally, Covid-19 is still around — it is important that now we focus on strengthening and protecting our immune systems. This newsletter will touch on the preventative measures I have been taking and speak on the importance acupuncture plays in boosting our immune function. I am sharing exciting news regarding the new team at Asheville Integrative Acupuncture and sharing several great resources as well for the upcoming months.
If you know someone who is pregnant and does not currently follow this newsletter or blog, I would LOVE for them to see these offerings as well. If so, please share this link or forward this newsletter to your friends!
Thank you for your continuous outpour of love and support.