Acupuncture For Radiant Women's Health In Vail Valley
Radical Self Care is what it’s all about! We can only serve from a full cup. If your inner temple is strong and vibrant, then everyone in your life benefits.
Although we provide healing assistance to all people and for all issues, our heart’s focus is on supporting women through all stages of reproductive life, including menstrual health, fertility, pregnancy and postnatal recovery, and menopause.
Women’s Health
When tailored to focus on the reproductive system, acupuncture has been shown to relieve and even resolve many discomforts associated with menstrual health. We can support you in achieving optimal balance which will assist with:
PMS symptoms
Painful periods
Endocrine system issues
Stress management
General pelvic health
For women experiencing perimenopause or menopause, acupuncture sessions can help ease the discomforts of this transition, including:
Hot flashes
Mood issues
Weight gain
Fertility Enhancement
Chinese Medicine has been an invaluable resource for addressing infertility issues since ancient times, as we see in the classic text Essential Prescriptions from the Golden Cabinet by physician Zhang Zhong Jing, which dates back almost 2,000 years. Thankfully, modern medicine is finally catching on to this age-old tradition, and more and more studies are showing the benefits of incorporating acupuncture into your fertility treatment approach. Regular acupuncture sessions can help with many medical conditions that may be contributing to difficulty conceiving. Click HERE for more information.