Mystical Acupuncture
Harness Asheville’s healing power for yourself through a Mystical session
I’m not your run of the mill sort of acupuncturist… I’m an alchemist at heart and resonate with the Shamanic piece of Classical Chinese Medicine. What does that mean? It means I combine my spiritual sight and intuition to guide me as I hold sacred space for your own innate wisdom to rise up. I believe ultimately that healing comes from within you.
My foundation is rooted in the rigorous academics of Chinese Medical School. At the same time, I am guided by the wisdom of my heart and higher self. I also trust your inner wisdom, your guides and your intuition. I am a weaver of Peruvian Shamanism and Classical Chinese Medicine. I enjoy working with people involved with deep plant medicine ceremonial work. I specialize in preparing the mind, body, and spirit before ceremony as well as with the integration afterwards.
The sessions are typically 90-minutes which we will spend exploring deeper into your mystical realms. A session plan will be co-created depending on your individual needs and intentions... Modalities include: Acupuncture, Limpia- (clearing heavy energy), Sound Healing, Guided Meditation, Soul Journeying and Retrieval, Energy Balancing, Stone Medicine, and Bodywork.
Click here to learn more about why to get Acupuncture from me in Asheville, NC.