Have a Happy Baby
with Pregnancy Acupuncture
Pregnancy Acupuncture in Vail Valley
Many people are turning to Chinese medicine and Acupuncture to improve fertility and what most people don’t know is how beneficial Chinese medicine and acupuncture are for promoting a healthy pregnancy, from conception to birth. As pregnancy acupuncturists, we offer pregnancy acupuncture for every trimester, as well as postpartum.
Through studying Chinese Medicine, we learned the importance of supporting pregnant folks. The foundation of the child’s unconscious mind is forming. This is why it’s so important for every pregnant person to experience a calm, meditative state of mind on a regular basis, along with support from their community.
A healthy, happy, and calm person has the ability to bring a healthy, happy, and calm child into the world, and this is how we create a healthier society.
Prenatal Acupuncture in Vail Valley
In addition to the care of your doctor and/or midwife, regular prenatal acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy are an excellent source of holistic, loving care for both mother and baby. Our treatment space is designed to promote relaxation, healing, and support during this special time in your life.
Pregnancy changes the body in many ways. The process of supporting the development of a new life can be challenging for expectant mothers. Many will experience a variety of physical and emotional effects over the course of their pregnancy, from digestive issues to disordered sleep. Incorporating regular pregnancy acupuncture treatments can support your body and mind throughout each stage of your journey, helping you maintain optimum balance. And the benefits of acupuncture go beyond relieving common discomforts associated with pregnancy—regular sessions can also reduce your risk of miscarriage, assist with easier delivery, and facilitate your transition into motherhood once your child is born.
These are just some of the issues We support expectant mothers with in our practice:
First Trimester:
Mood swings
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Happy Baby Point* to clear fetal toxins
Second Trimester:
Edema (swelling in feet, ankles, hands, etc.)
Body aches and pains
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Round ligament pain
Leg cramps
Happy Baby Point* to clear fetal toxins
Third Trimester:
Trouble sleeping
Breech babies
Preparing baby for labor
Labor induction
Postnatal Care:
Healing after delivery
Postnatal depression / anxiety
*The Happy Baby Point (also known as Beautiful Baby) is a single acupuncture point that, when activated, helps minimize the transmission of toxins from mother to baby. I recommend this treatment at the end of the first and second trimesters to increase your baby’s overall health and resistance to illness.
On-Call Acupuncture
We are available for house calls and can be on call for your birth. Contact us for more details.