22 Radical Self Care Tips For an Empowered Life
Ready to live an empowered life? Here’s 22 radical self care tips that can help you do so.
1. Find a spiritual practice that works for YOU and make a commitment.
2. Spend at least 5 minutes alone, sitting in silence.
Tune out the world and hear your soul’s whispers. Do you ever feel like the rush and buzz of the world around you leaves you feeling overwhelmed and scatterbrained?
3. Clear your hutcha--heavy dense energy--daily, and sometimes multiple times a day.
4. Eat The Rainbow.
Organic, whole foods always leave me feeling my best. When I cut the highly processed, sugary, and unhealthy items from my daily meal plans I have more energy, better sleep, and healthier skin.
*Try to have a green drink once a day- Here’s a delicious recipe from Jami Deva:
coconut water (instead of water)
1 green apple
1/2 medium cucumber
4 leaves of kale
6 strawberries
1/2 lemon peeled w/o seeds
small handful of goji berries
scoop of plant protein
scoop of Wild Force Greens powder (or equivalent)
1-2 dropper full of stevia (if additional sweetness is desired)
Blend on high for 2 minutes.
5. Treat your body like it is a Sacred Temple.
It is the home of your soul on this earthly plane.
6. Drink LOTS of Water.
Remembering to maintain your water intake can be tricky. Some people get bored with drinking plain water all day long. This is where you can invite some creativity into your day. Try adding different things into your water to make it more enjoyable and easy to stay hydrated. I personally have been loving Ultima Electrolytes - - lemon or lime juice is another fun addition!
7. Implementing Gentle Detoxing.
We live in a toxic environment. Gentle detox is crucial--dry brushing before showering, using natural chemical-free products on your body, ending the shower with coconut oil sea salt scrub, and massaging your breasts daily. Once a week, take a sea salt bath and infuse the water with your prayers.
*Salt Scrub (This is AMAZING)
Get some Himalayan pink salt and mix in some coconut oil. You can also add whatever essential oils you want. Wash with this every day. It is like a second wash after using soap. This is an energetic clearing technique that really works. Sometimes do it twice a day.
Use sage to clear your space every day, too.
8. Exercise daily.
Walk, dance, stretch... sweat a little bit every day if you can, even if only for 15 minutes. Daily is challenging--I’m working on this as well. If you have little ones, they love to get silly and dance! Jump around with them. Sweating a little bit every day helps our hormonal system stay in balance.
9. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, see you, and believe in you.
Have you ever heard the saying “energy vampire”? This is often used to describe people that come around and simply drain your energy, leaving you feeling ungrounded, anxious, or simply just exhausted. Surround yourself with people that leave you feeling loved, inspired, happy, listened to — trust me, it makes a difference!
10. Limit gossip--it brings down your vibration.
11. Use mindfulness techniques to keep you in the present moment.
12. Watch your thoughts.
Cultivate the Sacred Witness - tell yourself over and over, “This is a dream,” and then wake up in the dream ;)
13. Practice Metta-loving kindness.
Give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We are living in crazy, chaotic times and many are suffering. Be the light.
14. Ask for support when you need it!
15. Follow your breadcrumbs of JOY...
16. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and when you don’t, ask for support.
If you need to, watch some silly comedy.
18. Turn off the news.
It’s depressing! Instead, read something uplifting and inspiring.
19. Clear out the clutter in your home.
Your home is your Temple space. A place to create, restore, and nourish yourself.
20. Cultivate and refine your intuition.
Let this, and your heart, be your guiding golden compass. Always find your way back to your heart, allowing yourself to experience contentment and containment.
22.Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitiude!
At the end of each day while laying in bed, review your day to clear out the mind. Mentally state at least 5 things you are grateful for and massage your belly.
What to Expect After Getting Acupuncture in Vail Valley
Knowing what to expect after your first acupuncture session is very beneficial. The most common side effects of acupuncture are the good things we strive for - better sleep, mental clarity, great digestion, less stress, and more energy. Transparency is key, which is why acknowledging the not-so-pleasant side effects is necessary.
Transparency is key, which is why our acupuncture clinic wants to acknowledge the not-so-pleasant side effects that could happen after your initial acupuncture session. We strive to provide a safe and satisfactory experience at our Vail Valley clinic, these side effects are not life-threatening and usually are quick to pass.
Symptoms That May Arise ~
Worsened Symptoms - Most people notice an improvement in symptoms after acupuncture. Others may feel worse before they begin to feel better. As the body undergoes changes involved with moving towards whole-body health, things stir up. Have you ever taken part in a cleanse, when a few days in you noticed you feel unwell or have a few symptoms popping up? This is similar to what could happen after acupuncture. Acupuncture awakens the body's natural, self-healing abilities… which yes, sometimes feels like a detox!
Fatigue - Most people feel energized after acupuncture, and some feel wiped out. This will differ from person to person. Feeling fatigued after acupuncture is not cause for worry, but is your body's way of telling you to slow down and most importantly, to rest. Take it easy the rest of the day. Try to go to bed early - by the morning you should be feeling the refreshed effects of acupuncture and sleep!
Soreness - After needles are removed, body parts can feel tender or sore. This usually occurs in points on the hands and feet. You may experience muscle soreness in a needle site if a trigger point was released during your session. Stimulating a trigger point helps draw normal blood supply back to flush out the area and release tension. If this release does happen, soreness may follow. Soreness should stop within 24 hours, bigger releases may leave a few days of residual soreness.
Bruising - This is less common than soreness, but can happen at a needling site. Bruises, unfortunately, last longer than soreness from acupuncture needles. This side effect is not anything to worry about and usually is just an aesthetic inconvenience.
Lightheadedness - This is rare, but can happen. Getting up quickly from the acupuncture table can cause lightheadedness, as can coming in for acupuncture on an empty stomach. Remembering to take things slow after treatment and nourishing your body before treatment is essential.
Emotional Release - Crying sometimes happens with acupuncture - this is not from pain, but rather from a release of emotions. Sometimes patients may feel an emotional release while still on the acupuncture table, others hours after treatment, and some not at all. You may feel extra sensitive or prone to tears during or in the days that follow. This shows that acupuncture is working! Emotional shifts suggest the inner workings of physical changes. Traditional Chinese Medicine follows the belief that the emotional and physical are connected.
I firmly believe that you know your body best. If any of the above side effects feel too severe or as if they are lasting too long, please contact me directly and I will provide support. If you notice any negative reactions to treatment and would like further guidance, please let me know. Your satisfaction, safety, and wellbeing are of the upmost importance.
Scotland Helped Me Rewrite My Story
Scotland. The healing balm my soul desperately needed.
This Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to rewrite my story.
Before I tell you about this journey, let me rewind back to November of 2010.
It all started when I had my last Thanksgiving with my mom who was dying from stage 4 brain cancer. At the same time, the first one without my now ex-husband. It was devastating to see my mom, the strongest person I ever knew, be so sick and weak. She still had our wedding pictures up, which broke my heart. I couldn't even eat that Thanksgiving meal.
These last 12 years, around November, a pang of deep sadness and depression would begin to creep in and stay around until the spring. The cycle seemed to never have an ending, but eventually, the sun would come back and everything would lighten, until the following November.
I had a deep knowing in my heart that this could not continue. Not only for the sake of my own heart-healing but for my daughters as well. I didn’t want to feel like a part of myself was gone each winter, it was time to rewrite the story. The decision to end that chapter of my life and to open a new chapter has forever changed my life.
Eight Days - A Journey Abroad. Endless Magic.
Amazing Exploration.
The healing balm my soul desperately needed.

Scotland was filled with indescribable magic. The land was lively and vibrant; the people had a lightness in their eyes. I could feel relief, the weight of 12 years slowly pulling away, allowing room for spaciousness. I felt like a kid in a candy store, eyes wide with amazement and joy at the sights, sounds, and smells of this new place. Fulfillment, bliss, and comfort began to fill my heart and soul. A felt-sense of peace rooted into my body.
This was rest. This was a reset for my entire system.
It's a challenge for Americans to rest. We are bred to work hard, taking time off work is a big deal for us. Over there, five weeks of paid time off for a holiday is not only given but expected. The idea of working nonstop, with little to no time off is completely unheard of… no wonder they seem happier than Americans.
Taking this time to nourish my spirit by slowing down, filling my cup with sacred sites, local music, amazing friends, and exploration - returning, I feel lighter, happier, and I have more to give. I want to tell everyone that if you feel your soul calling for rest, give your soul rest. If you feel your heart yearning for connection, nature, friends, and exploration; seek out those joys
The cyclic sadness is gone.
I have indeed rewritten
my story and you can too, even if it’s just a rest on the acupuncture table.
Women's Cycle Within Yin and Yang (Pt. 3)
In this third installment of our Women’s Cycle Within Yin and Yang, we are diving into the follicular phase. The body is still in a Yin state. Follicles are developing as the body prepares to receive an embryo in the following stage. This blog post will additionally explain how acupuncture and TCM can help with the following issues: PCOS, Endometriosis, Low Ovarian Reserve, low levels of Anti-Müllerian hormone, and infertility.
~ The Follicular Phase ~
Artwork by @enorasis_art_prints on Instagram
In Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle is broken into two halves and four phases. The two halves are the Yin phase and the Yang phase. The four phases are menstrual, post-menstrual (follicular), ovulation, and pre-menstrual or implantation (luteal).
This blog post is the third in our latest series:
“Women’s Cycle Within Yin and Yang”
if you missed the two previous posts of this series you can catch up here:
Developing Follicles and Maintaining Yin
The Follicular Phase, the second phase of the Menstrual Cycle, is the transitional point between menstruation and ovulation. It is when the follicles are growing, the hormone estrogen is being produced and the endometrial lining is thickening, preparing to receive an embryo in the following (luteal) phase of the cycle.
When a woman reaches the Follicular Phase, they are relatively Qi and blood deficient, as they have just finished the Menstrual Phase. At this point in the cycle, blood continues to rebuild along with Yin essence and Qi. As this point of the cycle nears the end, clear, stretchy cervical mucus is produced - followed by ovulation.
The Three Most Important Things During the Follicular Stage
Support Follicle Development
Nourish Blood
Nourish Yin Hormones
Just like the first phase, the Menstrual Phase of the cycle, the body remains in a Yin state. Yin is cooling, nourishing, and moistening. Yin essence works to moisten and nourish the organs and tissues in the body, which is especially important during this phase. In the uterus, nourishment is important for conception and for the development of follicles. Yin is restful, calm, and relaxed energy. Yin is damaged by stress, overworking, lack of sleep, and all things ‘rushed’. Therefore, it is important to remember to slow down. This phase will be the last of Yin energy in our Menstrual Cycle and builds up to the next Yang phase. The follicular phase reminds us to allow time for rest and regeneration - allowing the rebuilding of blood and yin. Remember my loves, we want to nourish and replenish our bodies so that we can nourish the follicles for ovulation. Take care of yourself, do things that bring you joy, and enjoy this period of slow, gentle rest.
Disorders and Imbalances that Acupuncture Can Help
There are many disorders associated with the Follicular Phase and the next phase (ovulation). A few of those disorders and imbalances include PCOS, Endometriosis, Low Ovarian Reserve, low levels of Anti-Müllerian hormone, and infertility. At Asheville Integrative Acupuncture, we specialize in women’s health, infertility, and pregnancy. Studies have shown that regular acupuncture, implementing Chinese herbs, and other TCM remedies can drastically increase the chances of fertility and pregnancy.
A 2010 review for Gynecological Endocrinology stated that “Acupuncture therapy may have a role in PCOS by: increasing of blood flow to the ovaries, reducing of ovarian volume and the number of ovarian cysts, controlling hyperglycaemia through increasing insulin sensitivity and decreasing blood glucose and insulin levels, reducing cortisol levels and assisting in weight loss and anorexia.” Many recent studies have been produced stating that acupuncture significantly reduces pain associated with endometriosis, reduces the size of pelvic masses, and reduces CA-125 levels in the body. One study, completed at Tongji University Hospital found that acupuncture reduced pain levels more significantly than drug therapy medication. The difference was 92.0% total effective rate (acupuncture) to 52.0% total effective rate (drug therapy with mifepristone).
At Asheville Integrative Acupuncture, I offer support for a range of issues at my fertility clinic, including: Advanced Maternal Age (AMA), Anovulation / Ovulatory Disorders, Diminished Ovarian Reserve (DOR), Endometriosis, Immunologic Factors, Hormonal Imbalances / Ovulatory Disorders, Luteal Phase Defect, Male Factor, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Tubal Obstruction, Unexplained Infertility, Uterine Lining Problem, Low Sperm Count, Low Motility, Poor Morphology, Poor Liquefaction, Antisperm Antibodies, and support during fertility optimization processes.
Infographic by @kanpobliss on Instagram
Infographic by @kanpobliss on Instagram
Top 10 Reasons Everyone Should Get Acupuncture in Vail Valley
If you have been wondering if acupuncture is right for you, this blog post will share the top ten reasons out of the many reasons why acupuncture is for everyone.
Everyone can reap the benefits of acupuncture by Krystal Kinnunen.
If you have been wondering if acupuncture is right for you, this blog post will share the top ten reasons out of the many reasons why acupuncture is for everyone. If you feel inspired by this blog post to receive acupuncture for yourself, Krystal Kinnunen Acupuncture is here to guide you.
Book an appointment online or call us at (828) 739-0345
Acupuncture keeps you healthy
Acupuncture is an excellent tool for maintaining optimal health. The most important part about acupuncture is consistency. When my patients begin to see results or even fully recover, I still recommend coming in for follow-up appointments. Studies produced by the National Institutes of Health have stated that regular acupuncture has been shown to increase the amount of T cells in the body. T cells kill harmful viruses and bacteria in the body. Acupuncture stimulates the brain to activate its natural immune response in the body, thus keeping the immune system stronger and more vigilant. This cellular response from acupuncture lasts for several days after a patient receives an acupuncture treatment. Therefore, receiving weekly acupuncture treatments will prevent your body from becoming sick. Allergies, colds, flu, and seasonal sicknesses can be effectively treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture, when used as preventative medicine, increases your overall well-being and leaves your immune system feeling boosted and strong!
2. Acupuncture promotes relaxation and improves sleep
One of the most common issues people are faced with is dealing with stress. The busyness of daily life and feeling stressed about making time for work, family, and your own self care can be overwhelming to the body and mind. Increased stress can also lead to decreased sleep. Stress and lack of sleep can both be detrimental to a person’s health and overall wellbeing. Acupuncture can help! Acupuncture works efficiently to soothe and calm the nervous system, promoting states of calmness and deep relaxation. Acupuncture additionally works to treat the root cause of insomnia and sleep difficulties.
3. Acupuncture improves your energy levels
One of the most universally known words in Traditional Chinese Medicine is “Qi”. This word is defined as energy. If you are feeling drained, fatigued, like you are running out of energy constantly, you could be experiencing a Qi deficiency. Qi deficiencies can happen due to stress, a poor diet, lack of exercise, and many other everyday factors. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are able to nourish and replenish Qi, therefore replenishing and encouraging increased energy levels in your daily life. At Krystal Kinnunen Acupuncture, we perform a thorough intake that will help to analyze where you are at with these different levels.
4. Acupuncture decreases muscular pain
Acupuncture is an excellent option to consider for both acute and chronic pain. Acupuncture works hard to send signals to the body that say “release endorphins” which are the body’s all-natural chemical pain-relief. An increase of energy and blood flow through the body and tissues from acupuncture works to speed up the body’s natural healing processes.
5. Acupuncture treats headaches
Many people who deal with persistent and chronic headaches may continue to suffer even after taking pain medicine or seeing a doctor. Acupuncture works to get to the root issue, making it an excellent therapy tool for headaches of all types. Examples may be migraines, tension headaches, or hormone headaches - but I have great news, acupuncture can help to treat these with great success! In the case of many patients of acupuncture, acupuncture has worked to decrease the frequency and severity of headaches and for some, it has resolved the issue completely.
6. Acupuncture improves digestion
It is a belief in Traditional Chinese Medicine that a healthy digestive system is the basis for overall good health. Digestive issues have become increasingly widespread, with common issues and symptoms including: bloating, constipation, IBS, and chronic abdominal pain. Referring back to the TCM belief of digestion being the basis for overall health, if you suffer from digestive issues you may be experiencing other symptoms throughout other aspects of your health. Acupuncture and TCM work efficiently to regulate, soothe, and restore the digestive system for optimal health.
7. Acupuncture improves your mood
This list already discussed the issue of stress in daily life, however something that should be addressed is anxiety and depression. These mental health issues can make everyday tasks feel difficult or too much to complete. Self-care is one of those tasks that can often be neglected when someone is faced with anxiety or depression. The good news is that acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help you. Acupuncture is great at treating anxiety and depression. Whether used alone for mood disorders or accompanied by Chinese herbal supplements, this form of healing will prove to be extremely beneficial for your overall mental health.
8. Acupuncture treats hormonal issues
One of the most common reasons my patients see me for acupuncture is for hormonal imbalances. Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have proven to be incredibly beneficial for treating and relieving symptoms and disorders related to these problems. Whether it is premenstrual, menstrual, or menopausal reasons, acupuncture can help. Registered acupuncturists can assess and treat several common TCM patterns within each phase of a woman’s cycle. A few examples in the first phase, the menstrual phase, include the following: pain during menstruation (which can indicate blood stagnation, blood deficiency, and cold in the uterus), blood clotting, throbbing headaches (which may be related to liver yang rising), dull headaches during or after bleeding (which is related to qi and blood deficiency), heavy or flooding periods, spotting and/or thin periods, and diarrhea. Prominent disorders such as PMS, irregular periods, painful periods, and heavy periods can all be helped by acupuncture and TCM. If you have experienced any of the above symptoms or disorders with your monthly cycles, acupuncture and herbal medicine can help. All of these occurrences are signs that there is an imbalance in the body that needs to be healed.
9. Acupuncture helps infertility
Chinese Medicine and infertility acupuncture is an invaluable resource for supporting healthy conception and addressing infertility issues. Both modern science and ancient texts agree on this. Many studies are proving the benefits of incorporating acupuncture into your fertility treatment approach. Regular acupuncture sessions at the Vail Valley fertility clinic can support a healthy conception, as well as help with many medical conditions that may be contributing to difficulty conceiving, including:
Increase fertility naturally
Ovarian cysts
Premature ovarian failure
Luteal phase defect
Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
Thyroid issues
pH balance
Restricted blood flow to the uterus and ovaries
Poor egg quality
Sperm quality and mobility
Irregular Cycle
Advanced maternal age (AMA)
10. Acupuncture for pregnancy
In addition to the care of your doctor and/or midwife, regular prenatal acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy are an excellent source of holistic, loving care for both mother and baby. My treatment space is designed to promote relaxation, healing, and support during this special time in your life.
Pregnancy changes the body in many ways. The process of supporting the development of a new life can be challenging for expectant mothers. Many will experience a variety of physical and emotional effects over the course of their pregnancy, from digestive issues to disordered sleep. Incorporating regular pregnancy acupuncture treatments can support your body and mind throughout each stage of your journey, helping you maintain optimum balance. And the benefits of acupuncture go beyond relieving common discomforts associated with pregnancy—regular sessions can also reduce your risk of miscarriage, assist with easier delivery, and facilitate your transition into motherhood once your child is born.
For more information on what I am able to treat throughout each trimester of your pregnancy, please visit this link: https://www.krystalkinnunen.com/pregnancy-acupuncture-vail-valley
'Tis the Season!
Happy Holidays! I am sharing an exciting gift idea for loved ones with you, as well as a nourishing recipe to keep you and your family warm this winter. Read ahead for more information…
A Holiday Letter For You
'Tis the season! The month of December has arrived and the anticipation of time with loved ones, joyous memories, and the spirit of generosity and love surround us. As 2021 comes to a close, I am reflecting on all of the lovely moments from this past year. I am grateful to each and every one of you for helping to support and show love to my clinic this year. May your holiday season be filled with happiness, health, and prosperity.
With Love,
Dr. Krystal Kinnunen
An excellent gift idea is to give self-care options to your loved ones. For many people, implementing self-care can be difficult in the stress and busyness of life. By giving the gift of acupuncture, you are giving the gift of health and wellbeing! Gift certificates are now available for purchase from Asheville Integrative Acupuncture. Whether you a gifting it to an acupuncture regular, someone who has never experienced the treatment, or even yourself - we promise this gift will not disappoint. Follow the link below for more information on how to purchase a gift certificate for yourself or a loved one during this holiday season!
“Why is chicken soup superior to all the things we have, even more, relaxing than Tylenol? It is because chicken soup has a natural ingredient which feeds, repairs and calms the mucous lining in the small intestine. This inner lining is the beginning or ending of the nervous system. It is easily pulled away from the intestine through too many laxatives, too many food additives and parasites. Chicken soup heals the nerves, improves digestion, reduces allergies, relaxes and gives strength.”
-Hanna Kroeger, Ageless Remedies from Mother's Kitchen
Chicken broth is excellent for replenishing Qi in the body. Nourishing, warming, and great for healing! Bone broth works to heal your gut, supports your immune system, is great for your hair, skin, and nails, is beneficial for joint health, and works hard to help get toxins out of the body. Check out the link below to receive a nourishing recipe from the cookbook “Nourishing Traditions” by author Sally Fallon, with Mary G. Enig, Ph.D.
The following link is the full December newsletter for Asheville Integrative Acupuncture:
Increasing Happiness with Gratitude
Did you know that giving thanks can make you happier? This is why everyone always says you should make daily gratitude lists - but they are on to something!
Fall Harvest. Abundance. Gratitude.
How do these terms apply to your life?
For me, when I think of November, I think of the true bounty in my life. From everything both small and large that I am grateful for. I also think of the practice of letting go. The earth ceremoniously releases leaves from each branch and in my own ceremony I look inward. A ceremony of considering everything that I need to let go of. This is not always easy. But when you pair the two together - abundant gratitude and the act of letting go - you find the balance between the two.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are many correspondences for the fall season. Fall is associated with the element of metal and the emotions of grief/sadness. The Yin organ associated with fall is the lungs and the Yang organ associated with fall is the large intestine.
This newsletter will discuss the significance of gratitude, how to warm and nourish the body, and how acupuncture can help to ease seasonal illnesses and holiday stress.
Read the November newsletter here: https://conta.cc/3bKG0gd
Did you know that giving thanks can make you happier?
This is why everyone always says you should make daily gratitude lists - but they are on to something! A study produced by Harvard Health in August found a correlation between “giving thanks” and improved happiness levels.
“With gratitude, people acknowledge the goodness in their lives. In the process, people usually recognize that the source of that goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, being grateful also helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals — whether to other people, nature, or a higher power. In positive psychology research, gratitude is strongly and consistently associated with greater happiness. Gratitude helps people feel more positive emotions, relish good experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity, and build strong relationships.”
- Harvard Health Publishing
Women’s Cycle Within Yin and Yang (Pt. 2)
In this second installment of our series, we go in-depth into the first phase, the menstrual phase, of a woman’s cycle. Topics discussed include what happens to the body and Qi during this phase, foods and movements that best support this phase, common disorders and treatments, and how acupuncture can support you.
~ The Menstrual Phase ~
Blog Post Pt.2
In Chinese medicine, the menstrual cycle is broken into two halves and four phases. The two halves are the Yin phase and the Yang phase. The four phases are menstrual, post-menstrual (follicular), ovulation, and pre-menstrual or implantation (luteal).
This blog post is the second in our latest series:
“Women’s Cycle Within Yin and Yang”
if you missed the first post of this series you can catch up here:
Yin Phase and Menstrual Bleeding
In the first five days of a woman’s cycle, they are experiencing the menstrual phase. The main focus at this point in the cycle is to move Qi and blood. This stage is the one that most people immediately think of when speaking of a woman’s cycle. This part of the cycle is often referred to as “bleeding”, as the body releases accumulated blood. This time of release allows the body to make way for regeneration and to begin the reconstruction process of new blood. During this phase, the blood releasing from the uterus needs to move downwards smoothly and unconstrained. As women near the end of the bleeding period, the blood and yin of the body will begin to rebuild.
At the beginning of a woman’s cycle, the body is in the yin phase. When you are in the Yin phase of the menstrual cycle, your body will feel most balanced if you are being restful. In this state of rest, you allow the body downtime to regenerate and nourish itself. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the yin in our bodies represents the cooling, moistening, nourishing, growing, and fertile operations. To assist these natural processes of the body it is important to stay hydrated, keep warm and avoid high-intensity exercise. The best movement for this time is gentle, conscious, and light exercise. There are many wonderful options for movement and self-care during this phase. Massage, naps, yoga, meditation, swimming, and long walks in nature are all excellent ways to keep the Qi moving and the blood flowing. When you are in this first phase of your cycle it is important to eat foods that are warming, good for digestion, improve circulation, and assist in detoxing the body. Blood-moving foods like turmeric, ginger, eggplant, seafood, leafy greens, and berries are a few great examples that you can incorporate into your cooking. An additional way to support the body is to avoid cold raw foods, iced drinks, or fatty fried foods as they can slow the body’s blood flow, which can lead to stagnation. Instead, focusing on warming and nourishing foods is the best way to support your body’s systems and energy. Think of it this way: cold temperatures cause the blood vessels in the body to constrict, reducing the amount of blood flow that is circulating throughout the body. The same applies in regards to what we put into the body; cold drinks and food will reduce circulation while warming foods will increase circulation. This phase in the cycle is all about the downward flow!
Common Issues in the Menstrual Phase and Treatments
Yin and yang are attributed to being the birth center of Chinese Medicine and therefore the essence that permeates all aspects of the practice. With this in mind, it is important to remember that everything is about balance. Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture are amazing ways to help the body balance and regulate its systems. Acupuncture is a highly effective medicine for irregular cycles, PMS, and maintaining regular cycles. It is recommended that 4 treatments per month (1/each phase) are ideal for at least 3 cycles (3 months). With consistent treatments and incorporating the additional resources of foods and movements, the menstrual phase can be greatly improved for women. Around menstruation time the strong yin energy pull in our bodies pushes us towards introversion, meditation, creativity, and yearning for extra self-care or nourishment. These are healthy and normal aspects of a woman's cycle. What is abnormal are menstrual disorders such as PMS, irregular cycles, and heavy bleeding. The good news is that menstrual imbalances can be regulated with acupuncture if treatments are consistent.
Registered acupuncturists can assess and treat several common TCM patterns within each phase of a woman’s cycle. A few examples in the first phase, the menstrual phase, include the following: pain during menstruation (which can indicate blood stagnation, blood deficiency, and cold in the uterus), blood clotting, throbbing headaches (which may be related to liver yang rising), dull headaches during or after bleeding (which is related to qi and blood deficiency), heavy or flooding periods, spotting and/or thin periods, and diarrhea. Prominent disorders such as PMS, irregular periods, painful periods, and heavy periods can all be helped by acupuncture and TCM. If you have experienced any of the above symptoms or disorders with your monthly cycles, acupuncture and herbal medicine can help. All of these occurrences are signs that there is an imbalance in the body that needs to be healed. Have you experienced any of the following symptoms listed above monthly? Would you like to try acupuncture to assist in balancing and regulating these occurrences?
Asheville Integrative Acupuncture is here to support you.